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Mario Maker 2 Switch Update is the Best of Both Worlds

The recent update to the Super Mario Maker 2 Switch game is the closest we’ll get to a true Zelda 2 sequel.

The Super Mario Maker 2 Switch game is adding in some new content through a very interesting and quite large update. The level creators will now have more tools at their disposal now that the 2.0 update comes for the game. What really makes this new update stand out is the fact that it adds Link from The Legend of Zelda.

While in the original game you were able to access 150 different skins and costumes, those were cosmetic only. And even if Link was among those, it didn’t really matter.

Mario Maker 2 Zelda update link bombs

But with the new Super Mario Maker 2 update, Link is in the game, he has his own fair share of abilities and that’s a lot of fun. You will have the Master Sword, of course, and you can also use bombs and shields.

The update also comes with a frozen coin that can melt fire elements when possible. You can also deactivate or activate P Blocks if you want. The stages are great, some of them are Zelda-inspired, but obviously the main focus is on bringing in new tools for you to create states and also access some interesting boosts and benefits. When you enter the Super Mario 3D world stages you can actually use some of the Dash Blocks.

But they aren’t just bringing a good protagonist with the Super Mario Maker 2 Zelda update, they also offer Pokey and Spike. Obviously, they are adapted to the levels, Spikey will send snowballs instead of spikes if you play a snow level. That’s great because it just makes the game more immersive and interesting at the same time.

Mario Maker 2 Zelda update

Super Mario Maker 2 is also comes with a new game mode. There’s a Ninji Speedrun challenge set. The idea with this one is that you will have to play stages against the ghosts and see who will win. They will get those ghost times from people that have a similar skillset as you, so it’s very exciting. Some of the levels you complete will come with rewards such as costumes. Of course, you can play for the highest possible score.

When it comes to the Zelda levels, they really try to mash the Zelda world and ideas with the Mario enemies and style. What they do here is amazing, even if they don’t fully recreate Zelda worlds they definitely give a glimpse of that.

Having Link come back in that old school style is really exciting and it just goes to show the popularity of this character. The fact that he is a playable character and not just a skin really pushes the boundaries here just because it makes the game more exciting, different yet fun at the same time.

A lot of people love Link and having a way to play with him in various challenging levels is what really sets the tone here. The update is free, so you get a massively popular hero and a great set of villains too, so it really is the best of both worlds!

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