Zelda 2

  • Switch Remakes for 2021: The Ultimate Fan Wish List

    Switch Remakes for 2021: The Ultimate Fan Wish List

    In the 1980s, Nintendo ruled the home video gaming market. For you youngsters, that’s the “home market” as opposed to the out-of-home “arcade market” which was kabooming back then. If your parents loved you, you had a NES. Even if they were poor, there were plenty of second-hand consoles to go around, as Nintendo was nowhere…

  • Review – Why fans hate Zelda 2 and why they are dead wrong

    Review – Why fans hate Zelda 2 and why they are dead wrong

    Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link on NES is the most divisive in the series. Let’s review this game and see why so many fans are so wrong. I should probably be out front with this: I love Zelda 2. Zelda 2 was the first Zelda game I ever played. It was actually one of…